Address26-34 Lurgan Rd, Portadown /
18 Alexandra Cres, Lurgan

TelephonePortadown: 028 3835 2222    
Lurgan: 028 3834 9222

Craigavon Senior High School

Transport Links

Bus timetables in relation to Craigavon Senior High School

Below the relevant buses which will take pupils to and from school have been listed along with links to the bus timetable. Some bus services drop off and pickup in the grounds of the school, others drop off and pickup in close vicinity of the school grounds. Some buses only operate in the afternoon so please be sure to check which bus best suits your child’s journey to and from school.

How do I apply for an EA Bus pass?

The online transport application process for academic year 2021-22 applications is now available. Apply on the EA website by clicking this link:

My child doesn’t qualify for an Education Authority pass, what is the best alternative?

There are lots of pre-paid options to pay for travel, including mLink, multi-journey and travel cards. We are encouraging passengers to use prepaid tickets where possible to reduce personal contact.

Link to Ways to Pay:

Bus Timetables: